Raspberry Ripple Ice Cream


  • 60 gm flour                      570 ml creamy milk
  • 4 egg yolks                      285 ml whipping cream
  • 90 gm caster sugar         230 gm fresh wee red barn raspberries
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract         2 tbsp icing sugar
Combine the flour, egg yolks, sugar and vanilla and stir in enough milk to give a thin paste. Heat the remaining milk and gradually stir into the paste, making sure there are no lumps. Pour into a pan and slowly bring to the boil, stirring all the time. Reduce the heat and cook gently for 3 minute. Remove from the heat, cover with a piece of damp greaseproof paper to prevent a skin forming and leave until cold. Whisk the cream until thick but not stiff and fold into the cold custard. Transfer to a freezerproof container and freeze for 3-4 hours until partly frozen. Sieve the raspberries and stir in the icing sugar. Remove the ice cream from the freezer, beat it well and slightly swirl in the raspberry mixture to give a 'rippled' effect. Return the ice cream to the freezer until solid. Transfer to the refrigerator 20-30 minutes before serving.
 A wonderful recipe from the Retro Cook Book available by purcashing online.