Deprecated: Required parameter $options follows optional parameter $loglevels in /home/weeredbarn/public_html/libraries/rokcommon/RokCommon/Logger/Joomla.php on line 33

Deprecated: Required parameter $category follows optional parameter $loglevels in /home/weeredbarn/public_html/libraries/rokcommon/RokCommon/Logger/Joomla.php on line 33

Deprecated: Required parameter $data follows optional parameter $test in /home/weeredbarn/public_html/administrator/components/com_j2store/library/selectable/base.php on line 217
Wee Red Barn - Riesling (2009) – 12% Alc/vol

rieslingOur Riesling has an enticing floral bouquet, the palate is well balanced with stone fruit and tangy citrus characters. The wines crispness is well set off by its fine residual sweetness . Drinking well now, it will cellar for 4 – 5 years.
